
Alright, so you got here (somehow), and now you’re wondering what all this is about.

To be honest, I don’t know.

I like writing. Some people like to read what I write. I thought I’d make everyone happy and start writing here. Be warned though; the very few times I won’t outright be wrong, I’ll probably be unhelpful, but that’s not the point. If you’re looking up to me for advice… well, that’s very sad. Like, really sad. All I offer are anecdotes and misinformed opinions, which I’ll try to make as entertaining as I can. Entertaining to me, mind you. I’m perfectly aware that nobody reads this website but me.

So… that’s it, I guess. Here, I’ll share stories, thoughts, maybe even pictures I take. I’ll review popular movies and give them a shit score, talk about these really obscure bands nobody else knows. I’ll talk about people who annoyed me on the bus but to whom I didn’t say anything at the time. I’ll also write “whom” because it makes me sound smart. “Whilst” too.

A blog, basically.

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