I’m confused about Cabin in the Woods

I should probably start by saying that I liked “The Cabin in the Woods” a lot more than I thought I would. I expected it to make me want to kill myself, so it doesn’t necessarily mean much, but I was pleasantly surprised. I usually hate Joss Whedon, but I have to admit a lot of that hatred comes from having been more or less forced to watch the entirety of the “Buffy” series by…

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It’s OK to not like “Drive”

I have very strong opinions about movies. I really like cinema as a medium, so every bad movie is, to me, a wasted opportunity that deserves every bit of ire I can give it. It also helps that I feel like I “get” movies. I don’t “get” books as well as I “get” movies. I can watch and appreciate “Citizen Kane”, “The Godfather” or “Gone With the Wind”, but I just can’t get through “The Karamazov Brothers”. One…

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Let’s get this thing started

For my first post here, I thought I’d talk about dating. Not because I know a lot about it; I don’t. That‘s actually why I want to talk about it. Every single time I read or hear dating advice from someone who claims to be knowledgeable about it, it’s always, without fail, complete and utter crap. Yeah, fuck you, Marc Boilard. Not that what I’m about to write should be taken as advice, but you’ll…

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